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                Jiangsu aosikang new energy Co., Ltd

                • 15-hp tobacco dryer (coal to electricity)

                  15-hp tobacco dryer (coal to electricity)

                  Widely applicable to tobacco drying applications across the country The drying room temperature is as high as 70¡æ Using variable speed machine, system operation is more stable and energy saving The LCD screen in the middle of the world realizes intelligent baking Built-in a variety of drying curves, and can freely adjust the settings

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                • Tobacco dryer

                  Tobacco dryer

                  Widely applicable to tobacco drying applications across the country The drying room temperature is as high as 70¡æ Using variable speed machine, system operation is more stable and energy saving The LCD screen in the middle of the world realizes intelligent baking Built-in a variety of drying curves, and can freely adjust the settings

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                • Grain (air source) Heat pump air unit

                  Grain (air source) Heat pump air unit

                  Fully automatic operation: intelligent program control, intelligently control the number of compressors by detecting the ambient temperature. Equipped with auxiliary electric heating device to cope with extreme low temperature weather. Color touch screen human-computer interaction, simple and easy to operate. Save coal and fuel labor costs. Energy saving: Only a small amount of electricity is consumed to drive the compressor, and it can obtain more than 3 times the amount of heat from the air. The running cost is 1/4 of the fuel type and 1/2 of the coal-fired type. Environmental protection: no emissions and pollution, green and environmental protection, in line with environmental protection requirements. Safe, reliable and durable: stable operation, no burning, no open flame, no fire easily. Equipped with a dust collection device to ensure the normal operation of the equipment in a dusty environment, and use it with confidence. Low maintenance costs and a service life of more than 15 y

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