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                Jiangsu aosikang new energy Co., Ltd

                About ASCOM
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                the road of thebrand

                ASCOMNew Energy

                ASCOM brand introduction Focusing On R&D And Customized Production Of Central Air-conditioning And Heat Pump Technology For Many Years

                        Jiangsu Aosikang New Energy Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on central air conditioning and heat pump technology research, production, sales, engineering installation and other services. With strong technology, it has become a professional in the national central air conditioning and air energy industry manufacturer.

                Ascom Enterprise takes "low-carbon energy saving and environmental protection concept" as its business mission, rigorous 5S high-quality production management, and its products involve large-scale central commercial air conditioners, water/ground source heat pumps, commercial air energy hot water equipment, household air energy water heaters, swimming pools Energy-saving products such as heating equipment and the developed moisture absorption, refrigeration and hot water units have high technological content and independent intellectual property rights, which are at a high level in China. 

                The company has persisted in cooperating and researching with many well-known domestic colleges and universities and international high-tech enterprises for many years. It has gathered a large number of professional air-conditioning engineers and professional technicians with many years of installation experience. The company always provides you with free technical consultation and program design (various system solutions can be provided according to customer needs). In the process of one-to-one service for you, the same salesperson is responsible for coordinating and arranging for you. Can fully enjoy the comprehensive services provided by professionals, and truly achieve customer satisfaction. As a professional company with long-term development, Oscom has continuously introduced ideas and talents, strengthened training and R&D capabilities, and strengthened its core competitiveness in order to maintain the inherent strength of the company's sustainable and healthy development. The company also has a complete organizational system and rules and regulations to ensure the perfect realization of various services.

                       In 2015, the company intensified the development of new products and technologies, and successively developed low-temperature steam injection increased enthalpy air-source heat pump hot water units, special heat pumps for bathing hotel sewage recovery, special HTE (Heat transmit exchange) units for waste heat recovery, and ultra-low temperature recovery units. Laminated air energy heat pump unit, ultra-low temperature cascaded air energy cooling and heating dual-purpose unit, low-temperature air energy floor heating dual-use unit, low-temperature air energy floor heating triple-supply unit.

                        Ascom has passed ISO9001 certification and 3C certification, and successively won honors such as "Most Investment Value". Oscom products sell well in 19 countries and regions in the world.

                It is precisely because Oscom has the customer-oriented service concept, high reputation guarantee, complete advanced professional technology, scientific and efficient management system, sound quality assurance system, excellent construction quality, thorough personnel training, and ground source The rich experience of the heat pump system and other outstanding quality, so it stands out in the same industry, and is favored by the majority of partners and users. Aoskang takes the creation of green, environmentally friendly and energy-saving buildings as its corporate goal and its mission to build high-quality energy-saving construction projects in China.      


                The current customer base includes: Huazhu Hotel Group, Home Inn Hotel Group, Seven Days Portofino Hotel Group, Orange Crystal Hotel Group, International Youjia Youth Hotel Apartment, Comma Hotel Apartment, Chengjia Hotel Apartment.

                ASCOM ¡¤ EQUIPMENTStrong Production / Drilling R & D / Heavy Quality


                The company has increased the development of new products and technologies, and has successively developed low-temperature steam injection and enthalpy-enhancing air source heat pump hot water units, special heat pumps for bathing hotel sewage recovery, special HTE (Heat transmit exchange) units for waste heat recovery, and ultra-low temperature cascade air energy Heat pump units, ultra-low temperature cascaded air energy cooling and heating dual-purpose unit, low-temperature air energy floor heating dual-purpose unit, low-temperature air energy floor heating triple-generation unit.

                ASCOM ¡¤ CULTURERespect Customers/ Respect Facts / Respect Science